Home | Hong Kong Epapers | Ming PaoMing Pao ePaperRead today Ming Pao Chinese ePaper published from Hong KongMing Pao Newspaper InformationMing Pao is a Chinese language newspaper published by Ming Pao Group in Hong Kong. In the 1990s, Ming Pao established four overseas branches in North America, each provides independent reporting on local news and collect local advertisements. Currently, only the two Canadian editions remain: Ming Pao Toronto and Ming Pao Vancouver. Ming Pao New York and Ming Pao San Francisco ceased operations on January 31 and February 14, 2009, respectively. With a mission and long standing editorial direction to present comprehensive, objective and bias-free coverage and analyses on political and economic issues in both mainland China and Hong Kong. According to a Media Credibility Survey conducted by Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2006, Ming Pao was selected as the most credible Chinese language newspaper. It aims at providing comprehensive and accurate reports on political and economic issues in Hong Kong and mainland China. Well-known for its accuracy in language, many secondary schools in Hong Kong encourage their students to subscribe to Ming Pao in order to improve their Chinese language. Ming Pao Newspaper DetailsMing Pao Publisher : Media Chinese International Limited Ming Pao Language : Chinese Ming Pao Newspaper URL :http://www.mingpao.com/ Ming Pao newspaper published from :Hong Kong |